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Doris Tiedemann was the wife of Egon Tiedemann and the mother of Claudia Tiedemann.

In 1953, the Tiedemanns rented a room in their house to Agnes Nielsen and her son Tronte, who relocated to Winden for unspecified reasons, possibly due to Agnes' involvement with Sic Mundus. It is not mentioned how they originally came into contact, but Doris is shown to be having an affair with Agnes.

In 1954, Doris is distraught that Agnes has disappeared. Desperate, she asks the officer Egon, who is her husband, to show interest in the search but he is very busy with her lover.

Later that September 24, she visits Winden's church, intending to meet the minister but runs into The Unknown and he tells her about her husband's affair with Hannah.

In the evening, Egon wants to patch things up with his wife, but Doris (fed up with so many secrets), asks him for a divorce.

 Appearances []

Season 1 []

Season 2 []

Season 3 []

